One is a commonly used secure data transmission technique in the field of cryptography: the RSA algorithm. It is a type of public-key encryption, which means that it uses two different keys for the encryption and decryption process: a pair[…]
Archive: Category: SSL Certificate
Certificate Chain of Trust and Verification
One-way organizations such as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) assure the validity of individuals, devices, and more. Certificates are crucial for approving and validating user identities in a well-established PKI. We must comprehend how certificates are issued, used to authenticate, and[…]
Certificate Authority: Its Hierarchy and Usage
On the internet, security and safety are crucial, and people and organizations frequently have a valid need to encrypt and confirm the identity of the people they are talking with. A reputable organization that issues digital certificates is known as[…]
Verified Mark Certificate: What is VMC and why is it necessary
What is VMC? Verified Mark Certificate, abbreviated to, VMC permits users to exhibit their signature logo next to the field marked “sender” in an email. Receivers of verified emails are notified that the sender – be it an individual or[…]
SSH Keys: What are SSH keys and Why are They Important?
Whether you’re managing servers, accessing cloud infrastructure, or working with version control systems, having a secure and efficient method of authentication is paramount. One of the most effective and widely used methods for securing remote connections is SSH (Secure Shell).[…]
OCSP and CRL : A Complete Comparison Guide
What is a Digital Certificate? A digital certificate is a virtual encryption protocol that demonstrates the genuinity of a server, device or organization via the utilization of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) and cryptography. Authentication granted by a digital certificate assists[…]
As cyber threats continue to grow, securing the communication between users and websites has become a necessity. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are fundamental in achieving this, as they encrypt the data transmitted between users and websites. This encryption ensures[…]
Extended Validation Certificate: Working and Uses
An Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate is a type of digital certificate used to secure websites and establish a higher level of trust with visitors. It provides the most robust form of validation for SSL certificates by requiring thorough vetting[…]
Protecting your online presence starts with securing your website with HTTPS. But even the best security measures can run into hiccups, like the dreaded “NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID” error. Don’t worry, fixing it isn’t a cryptographic puzzle! This error essentially means your website’s[…]
The internet allows you access to an almost infinite number of different websites. To access a certain online project, all you need is an internet browser and the project’s domain name. To represent the page’s numerical IP address, you type[…]
“Always-on SSL” (AOSSL): How to Enable It?
We are all acquainted with the SSL Certificates and how they provide protection to our data online. Well, just installing the SSL certificate does not make our communications on the internet secure. But with the AOSSL (Always-on SSL), you not[…]
How SSL, TLS, And HTTPS are Different from Each Other?
All these terms, SSL, TLS, and HTTPS offer the same thing to its the user that is security. Any user browsing around the internet wants his/her data and IP address to be protected at all costs. They all aim at[…]
The West’s CA-imposed Access Problems Prompted Russia to Establish its TLS Certificate Authority
Following the implementation of penalties by western companies that made it difficult to renew certificates, there has been an increase in the number of difficulties with website access. As a result, Russian authorities developed their trustworthy certificate authority(CA) for Transport[…]
Tomcat SSL Certificate: Explained
SSL is a kind of technology that is used in form of certificates to provide authenticated and secure communication between the client’s server and the website’s server. These certificates come with unique primary and private keys. And when the secure[…]
SSL/TLS Client Authentication: Working & Usage
You would be aware of how SSL certificates are necessary for the website to prove its legitimacy but how about if the client-server could also have the SSL/TLS Certificate to step up the authentication. What actually happens in the client[…]
SSL Certificates are the security Certificate that enhances your visitor’s security when visiting your site. But what is ‘SHA-256’. Now it is a technical term that sometimes confuses us while dealing with the SSL Certificates. SHA is a type of[…]
Complete Guide to PCI ASV Vulnerability Scan
A Vulnerability Scan is a complete process of scanning, analyzing, identifying the issues or vulnerabilities relating to the security, network, applications, or database of your system. So, What is a Vulnerability? If we are to talk in the computer technology[…]
SSL Port in HTTPs: SSL Security
SSL or Secure Socket Layer is a form of technology that is responsible for establishing a secure connection between the web server and the client (or web browser). There is a term we are acquainted with, which is an SSL[…]
X509 Certificate – Report on X 509 Digital Certificate
From encrypting the messages to identifying the Revoked certificates, X 509 Certificates plays a vital role in it. They are also the digital Certificates that are based on ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and include the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) too.[…]
Email Certificates: Importance and Working
To help prevent the leaking of any information from the emails, they’re converted into undecipherable text, generally called cipher text with the help of certain keys, during the transmission from the sender to the receiver. Indeed if you work for[…]
Everything you need to know about ‘CA Signed Certificates’
CA stands for Certificate Authorities. They primarily provide digital certificates to the online servers. They act as the third party for sanctioning the certificates in HTTPS to produce a secure platform for browsing. The tasks that the CAs take care[…]
SSL Cipher Suite Algorithm Explained
Whenever we hear the word SSL, the very first thing that comes to our mind is something related to security. Well, you got it right, SSL Cipher is a term related to authentication only. So, what is an SSL cipher? […]
SSL Certificate Installation Process for Hostgator
Hostgator is a service provider website. Its services varies from increasing your website’s visibility to providing management to the domain name of the website. Hostgator have many plans that you want to opt according to the kind of website you[…]
HTTPS Everywhere: Now on Too
Google provides us the opportunity to write our own thoughts into blogs through Now, it allows its custom domain users to secure their particular blogs by enabling HTTPS. In the cases where users do not make use of a[…]
Which is better: Paid or Free SSL Certificate?
Free SSL Certificate proves to be better for some whereas Paid SSL Certificate to the others. Well, before reaching any decision let’s know whether it is necessary to have paid SSL certificate or we could make it work through Free[…]
How to Install an SSL certificate on Synology NAS?
SSL Installation Process on Synology NAS Note: In this aide, we’ll utilize as an example name. At the point when you complete CSR code age and SSL activation, and download the SSL Certificate to your account, they will be[…]
SNI SSL vs IP SSL – A Comparison Guide
The SSL/TLS certificate allowed by the SNI (Server name indication) helps to bind the website with a shared IP (Internet protocol) address. It is very rare that you might come across some terms like SNI SSL and IP SSL or[…]
A chained-back trusted root certificate that works for digital platforms so that the information can be secured and safe is an SSL certificate. People will not trust only any website or internet browser without checking the security and encryption of[…]
How to Install an SSL/TLS Certificate in cPanel?
A proper step-by-step process is shown in this article for installing the SSL/TLS certificate through cPanel. You can do this even if you don’t have any technical knowledge. There is a specific process and requirements which need to be completed[…]
People get a little confused between a digital signature and a digital certificate because both of them provide security measures and sound similar. This might be the reason that people think both of them are similar. The computations that are[…]
How to Secure your Website in 2024?
We’ll provide you the information you need to keep your website secure in this website security guide. We’ll go through typical risks, how to defend your website from them, and which web hosting is the safest. Website security is a[…]
How to get an SSL Certificate for Localhost?
One of the best ideas for the security of anything is SSL/TLS certificate. The thinking direction for protecting the localhost environment with an SSL/TLS certificate should be right and perfect. This will apply in both the situation whether localhost is[…]
How to solve Certificate_Verify_Failed error?
Encountering the Certificate_Verify_Failed error while browsing can be frustrating, especially when accessing secure websites that require an SSL certificate. This error usually happens when there is an issue verifying the authenticity of the website’s SSL certificate, which prevents your browser[…]
How to Solve Security Errors Code on Secure website?
Encountering security errors while browsing websites can be frustrating, especially when trying to access secure sites that require SSL certificates. These errors usually prevent you from accessing the content, and can often appear when the website’s security configuration is incorrect[…]
The “Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead” error in Mozilla Firefox occurs when the browser detects a problem with the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate of the website you are trying to visit. It usually appears when the certificate is invalid,[…]
What is Personal Authentication Certificate?
A certificate that is used for doing digital signatures on emails and online documents and also on encrypted emails is known as a Personal Authentication Certificate. The transmission of the data that occurs between the user’s browser and the website’s[…]
What is TLS 1.3? Everything You Need to Know
What is TLS 1.3? A cryptographic protocol that helps to provide proper communication security on all modern websites is called Transport Layer Security (TLS). It was launched in 1999 in the form of Secure Socket Layer (SSL 3.0) and then[…]
How to find best SSL Certificate for your website?
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates help to protect and secure the information on the website. It is considered as the encryption center for protecting the data that is running between two servers or machines. SSL certificate helps to boost up[…]
How to Renew SSL Certificate? Step by Step Guide
The MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT error occurs in Mozilla Firefox when trying to access a website that has an SSL/TLS certificate that is self-signed and not issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). In other words, Firefox does not trust the certificate because[…]
The SEC_ERROR_REUSED_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL error in Mozilla Firefox is a type of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) error that occurs when there is a conflict with the certificate issuer or serial number, typically due to a certificate being reused across multiple sites or[…]
SSL certificates are crucial for securing websites, protecting sensitive data such as login credentials, credit card information, and other personal details. However, while browsing certain websites or connecting to web servers, you may encounter the “SSL certificate problem: Unable to[…]
Some differences can be noticed in the URL bar of the updated version of Mozilla Firefox that is Firefox 70.0. The green address bar will not be visible anymore in the latest version of Firefox on the HTTPS websites. Now[…]
The ERR_SSL_FALLBACK_BEYOND_MINIMUM_VERSION error is one that users may encounter when attempting to access a website using Google Chrome. This error indicates a mismatch between the SSL/TLS versions supported by the browser and the server. It occurs when the browser tries[…]
What is Port 443 – What You Need to Know About HTTPS 443?
Summary – Port 443 is an essential web browsing port which controls HTTPS traffic. HTTPs 443 Port is a standard port for HTTPS traffic and secure web browser communication. The world is facing an increasing wave of cyberattacks and there[…]
Best ways to Solve “SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE” Error in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome
The “SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE” error occurs when a website’s SSL certificate has expired, causing browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome to flag the site as insecure. This error prevents users from accessing websites with outdated or expired SSL certificates, as modern[…]
Shared SSL Certificate vs Dedicated SSL Certificate To know the difference between Shared and Dedicated SSL Certificate we have to first know what does SSL Certificate means. So SSL Certificate stands for Secure Socket Layer and its main function is[…]
SQL connection errors due to SSL certificate issues can be a frustrating challenge for database administrators, developers, and IT professionals. SSL certificates are used to ensure encrypted communication between a client and a server, but misconfigurations or expired certificates can[…]
What is “This File Can’t Be Downloaded Securely” Error? Google chrome was under some discussion for letting users download files, images, email but they weren’t allowed as google chrome didn’t give access to it. This happened because of the under[…]
3 Security Risks That Will Make You Think Twice While Choosing Wildcard
To make our website secure we need an SSL Certificate which is very important for the websites to keep them safe from hackers who can hack the website and misuse your personal information. So we provide SSL Certificates to the[…]
What is Certificate Lifecycle Management?
Certificate lifecycle management is also called as certificate management system. It consists of generations, storage, distribution and verification of certificates for using them in a secured enhanced application. The format of the certificate is defined in the X.509 standard. CLM[…]
Difference between Certificate Revocation List (CRL) vs OCSP
CRL (Certificate revocation list) is a list of digital certificates that has been canceled by the certificate authority before the date of expiry and is not acceptable anywhere. OCSP (Online certificate status protocol) is a procedure for reviewing the revoked[…]
How to fix ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE on Google Chrome?
The ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE error in Google Chrome is a common issue that occurs when there’s a problem with the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection between your browser and the website you’re trying to access. This error usually happens because of compatibility[…]
The Most Common Java Keytool Keystore Commands
Java KeyToolKeyStore Commands The platform that manages the private keys and certificates is called Java Keytool. It has the ability through which public/private keys and certificate manage in addition to caching certificates. The storing place of keys and certificates is[…]
How to Solve Invalid SSL Certificate Error? A Complete Guide
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates are crucial for securing communication between a web server and a browser. They ensure that the data transferred between the two is encrypted and protected from eavesdropping. However, sometimes users may encounter an Invalid SSL[…]
How to fixed ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT in Google Chrome?
Difference between CER and CRT and how to convert them?
I am sure you have heard a lot about the SSL certificates and why they matter most when comes to website security. If you are a website owner one way or another you are going to need SSL certificates and[…]
The roots of the SMS spoofing are of earlier centuries but it becomes a problem which can be seen in the 21st century. The technique that allows changing the information of the sender on text sent via the short message[…]
What is the ECC SSL certificate? And how to get it.
There are about billion of websites currently on the internet. And every second this number keeps rising. And search engine giants like Google, Bing are making it easier for everyone to search for any topics. With that said the security[…]
What is time-stamping? And how does it work?
In our world time consider the most important thing. Even more important than money. And why not as they say, “If you have time you can gain and recover from anything”. Every aspect of our life is bound with the[…]
In today’s digital world, we one way or another depend on the internet for many things. Be it internet shopping, searching for recipes of our favorite dish, or social media. The Internet has become an integral part of our life.[…]
What is the Difference between Hashing and Encryption?
Hashing, encryption these words seem more complex and challenging to understand even when we heard them, right? But don’t worry; there is nothing complicated or complex about them. Hashing and encryption are simply techniques to hide the data from[…]
What is Cloudflare SSL Certificate & How to Install it?
How to Enable Free SSL Certificate From CloudFlare The full model of SSL encryption provides from end-users to Cloudflare and from its origin server. On your origin server, an SSL certificate is required. There is 3 option for installing the[…]
With the rise of the internet, our world started growing a lot faster, a lot bigger. The Internet made everything easier to be it sending some files to your colleague through email or asking help from your friend who is[…]
How to Encrypt Files on Linux?
How to encrypt files on linux? There are various commands for encrypting files on Linux. You can use file permission option to limit the access of file contents but the more effective limiting of access on files can be done[…]
DOCUMENT SIGNING CERTIFICATE AND ITS IMPORTANCE Digital signing certificates enable the digitally signing of Adobe, Microsoft office, and other types of documents. This will ensure the marking of visual trust indicators that verifies the publisher’s identity. This will also indicate[…]
What is “Your Connection Is Not Private” Error? The websites that are running over HTTPS shows “your connection is not private chrome” error. The place where the site is hosted gets a message by the browser when you visit a[…]
The NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED error occurs in Google Chrome when a website’s SSL certificate has been revoked. SSL certificates are issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) and can be revoked for various reasons, such as security concerns or the owner’s request to[…]
The ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED error is one of the common issues Google Chrome users face when trying to access websites. It indicates that the browser failed to establish a connection with the website’s server, and the connection was closed unexpectedly. This error[…]
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF SSL/TLS? The full form of SSL is Secure Sockets Layer. It allows a secure connection between a website and a web browser. The SSL consists of various versions like 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 which improves the[…]
SAN CERTIFICATE: MULTI-DOMAIN SSL INFORMATION The full form of SAN is Subject Alternative name. It is describing as SSL/TLS certificate which will secure the multi-domain certificate. Instead of purchasing a separate single SSL certificate for each domain, you can now[…]
This blog reveals to you everything about the SSL Certificate Port Usage.”What port does SSL use?” is one of the most slanting inquiries truly detonating on our webpage very recently. In fact the blog is made to educate you pretty[…]
Getting trouble in CA Certificate Installation is no fun, neither for you nor for me; however, is the installation necessary for an Ubuntu Server. If you want to know how it works in just a few commands, then go through[…]
How to Install SSL Certificate on Chrome Browser?
How to install SSL Certificate on Chromebook (ChromeOS) 1. All the first you need to download SSL Certificate files. 2. Go to chrome setting page (chrome://settings) and go to ‘Advanced’. 3. Click on ‘Manage Certificates’ under ‘Privacy and Security’[…]
How to Enable SSL Certificate or HTTPS on Magento 2
What is Magento 2? Magento is a leading eCommerce platform with high-performant, scalable solution. Magento 2 is a latest incarnation of the leading enterprise-class ecommerce platform which is widely used by 200,000 online retailers. What is SSL Certificate? SSL stands[…]
128-Bit SSL Encryption Vs 256-Bit SSL Encryption
Difference Between 128-Bit SSL Encryption Vs 256-Bit SSL Encryption SSL Certificates are a sort of bit and encryption process. The primary requirement of you to understand is that the difference between 128-Bit-Encryption and 256-Bit-Encryption. This blog binds you into all[…]
WHAT IS HASH ALGORITHM? The function that is used to map any data is known as a Hash Algorithms. The values which are being used in the hash function are known as hash values. It is based on public-key encryption.[…]
SSH vs SSL? Difference between SSH and SSL
If you don’t have SSH or SSL/TLS Certificates, there is a problem, because they are able to employers of Asymmetric Cryptography. What you have to understand is the intention of these security protocols. Now let’s quickly see how they keep[…]
Your Connection Is Not Private – How to Fix?
The vast majority of the web site proprietors go over this message-“Your site isn’t private”. Have you additionally run over this warning? If that is the case, you must actualize steps to evacuate it and that too fast. Let me[…]
WHAT IS MIXED CONTENT? When the initial HTML is loaded over a secure HTTPS, then Mixed Content occurs. The other resources like images, videos, scripts, etc., are loaded over insecure HTTP. There are two protocols on webpages rendered by browsers[…]
The Safari shows an error message when you are browsing something on Safari and the website has an invalid certificate or misidentifying itself. The Safari will show an error message like “Safari can’t verify the identity of the website”. The[…]
Best Tools to Monitor SSL Certificate Expiration
Punishments are always meted out to the webmaster. There are minor acts on the web on which he always has to work! That means webmasters lack peacefulness in their lives and hence they should always keep in check whether their[…]
What is Multi Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate? The combination of wildcard SSL and Multi-domain SSL forms the Multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate. By using the Multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate, the user can protect multiple files and domains as well as unlimited[…]
INTERNAL NAME The Internal name is referred to as the domain or IP address which is a part of a private network. There are some examples of Internal name which is as follows – Any IPv4 address of the 1918[…]
SSL Handshake Failed Error – How to Solve
SSL handshake errors can be frustrating for both website visitors and webmasters, as they prevent users from accessing your site securely over HTTPS. The SSL handshake is a critical part of the SSL/TLS protocol, where the client (browser) and the[…]
INTRODUCTION TO SSL The word SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. In today’s world, SSL is the most widely used security protocol. The SSL is an internet protocol which is used for securing data transfer between the user’s browser and[…]
Difference between Wildcard SSL Certificate and SAN certificate
The difference between Wildcard SSL Certificate and SAN certificate are discussed below in details The Wildcard SSL security system is considered to be a greater sophisticated system used in the computer world. It is used by users to stabilize the[…]
What is a Digital Signature? How Digital Signatures Work?
Summary – A digital signature is a particular kind of signature that is protected by a digital certificate, which serves as identification documentation. Because they are cryptographically linked to the document being signed and can be independently verified, digital signatures[…]
Why SSL Certificate is Important? Benefits of SSL Certificate?
Introduction of SSL Certificate SSL is the short term for Secure Sockets Layer. In simple words, it is a type of security system which establishes a secure connection between the client and the server. It is necessary for companies[…]
The answer to the 1st part of the question in the simplest words would be to access the information which is in the form of data only by correct encryption. The definition of encryption is the process of encoding[…]
How to Create Self Signed SSL Certificate in cPanel?
Login to cPanel. Click on SSL/TLS Manager under security section Click on Private Keys (KEY) a Private key under ‘Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys.’ Create a new private key and confirm that the Key Size is set[…]
How to Fix SSL Error on Firefox – A Complete Guide
Firefox SSL Error – 1 ssl_error_handshake_failure_alert firefox Usually this error appear when you do not have a valid SSL Certificate in you browser. Apart from this, you will see this warning error on your firefox browser if you are using[…]
What is the difference between PositiveSSL and RapidSSL Certificate?
What is a PositiveSSL Certificate? When it comes to Cost and trust, Comodo PositiveSSL Certificate stands first. The PositiveSSL certificate is the most popular SSL Certificate with a 256-bit strong encryption feature. Whether you have a blog, have a[…]
How to Create .pem File for SSL Certificate Installation
PEM, or Privacy Enhanced Mail, is a DER certificate encoded in Base64. PEM certificates are often used for web servers because they can be quickly converted to human-readable data using a basic text editor. When a PEM-encoded file is opened[…]
How to Sign a PDF Document with Digital Signature?
STEP 1: Open your existing PDF document or create your document in Adobe Acrobat. STEP 2: Next step, on the top right there are tabs, click on Sign. STEP 3: Select the lowest tab that drops down Work[…]
How to Solve / Fix SSL Certificate Error in Google Chrome?
When you’re browsing the web with the most popular web browser ‘Google Chrome‘, you might see different types of SSL Certificate errors if you try to visit certain websites. This terrible Google Chrome SSL error happens when Google chrome detects[…]
What is SSL Offloading and how does it work??
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are given to a website to make sure that the website is secured and won’t fall prey to malicious hackers. Since this process involves loading the web-server with a lot of load, the process of[…]
What is the difference between Electronic and Digital Signature?
What is the difference between Electronic and Digital Signature? Any amateur without proper knowledge about the digital world will often confuse electronic and digital signatures with being the same and often use the terms interchangeably. But there are significant[…]
What is a Certificate Authority?
Summary – A certificate authority (CA) is a company that verifies identities and uses digital certificates to link them to cryptographic key pairs. It is a reputable company that issues digital certificates for websites. Web browsers like Chrome, Safari, and Firefox[…]
Best SSL Certificate Provider in UK
If you’re looking for your website security, you’re going to be in need of a trusted SSL Certificate. It’s as simple as that. If you’ve landed here, chances are you’re hunting for the best SSL Certificate for your UK-based website.[…]
How to Solve SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname Error?
When browsing the internet, you might come across a warning message indicating an “SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname” error. This can be alarming because it means there is an issue with the SSL certificate installed on the website, making the[…]
Internet Information Services (IIS) is a versatile and powerful web server software developed by Microsoft. It is commonly used to host websites and web applications on Windows Servers, providing a range of features such as HTTP/HTTPS support, FTP, SMTP, and[…]
A Complete Guide on SSL Certificate
What is SSL – SSL stands for Secure Socket layer. It is basically associated with secure transfer of data over computer systems. SSL is a predecessor of TLS security system. So, let’s talk about TLS here. TLS stands[…]
How Secure is 256-bit Encryption?
SSL security is all about encryption of data over the two nodes. The safe transfer over an internet connection is attained due to the encryption performed by the SSL system. Why is it necessary? Now, I can list n-numbers[…]
Differences between Keystore & Truststore
Keystore and Truststore are both important and essential for communication with an SSL Certificate. Both are very similar in terms of construct and structure as both are managed by a key tool command. Truststore is used for the storage[…]
128-bit SSL Encryption VS 256-bit SSL Encryption
The basic fundamental in any business is to build up a trustworthy reputation where your client feels secure. When you design a website, you aim at reaching to the heights which is only possible we are able to gain the[…]
What is the Certificate Revocation List?
A Certificate Revocation List is a list of the certificates which were revoked by the Certificate Authority before their expiration date. A CRL is generated and published periodically often at defined intervals. Publishing of a CRL can be done immediately[…]
How to Fix Mixed Content Warning on the SSL Website
A Mixed Content Warning is one of the most common errors faced by websites that implement SSL certificates. This warning occurs when a webpage loaded over HTTPS contains resources (images, scripts, or stylesheets) that are loaded over HTTP, rather than[…]
Why is SSL Not Working on My Site?
The SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer whereas HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. The SSL provide an assurance regarding any website’s security level and convey us regarding the threat which may be associated with the websites we are browsing[…]
What Is Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)?
Summary – PKI is a catch-all word for anything necessary to set up and administer public key encryption. The ability for organizations to safeguard the security of their communications and commercial transactions over networks is provided by a mix of[…]
What is Server Name Indication (SNI) & How it Works?
SNI or server name indication is an addition or an extension to the TLS protocol which again stands for transport layer security. So, basically server name indication allows the client to indicate the host where it wants to terminate[…]
How to Fix ssl_error_rx_record_too_long Firefox Error?
The ssl_error_rx_record_too_long error is a common issue faced by Firefox users when trying to access a website over HTTPS. This error typically occurs due to a mismatch or misconfiguration in the server’s SSL/TLS settings. When the server’s configuration isn’t properly[…]
Benefits of SSL Certificate for SEO
If you are a webmaster, you’ve probably heard about search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is a process of optimizing your website to get better ranking on the search engine. You know Google has more than 200 search engine ranking factors[…]
The ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error in Google Chrome occurs when your browser cannot verify the authenticity of the SSL certificate used by a website. This error means that the certificate is either self-signed or issued by an untrusted Certificate Authority (CA), which[…]
If you’ve been trying to access a website and encountered the NET::ERR_CERT_SYMANTEC_LEGACY error in Google Chrome, you’re not alone. This error has been an issue for many users, especially after Symantec’s SSL certificates were deprecated in 2018. Chrome, along with[…]
The ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error in Google Chrome occurs when the browser cannot verify the authenticity of a website’s SSL certificate. This typically happens when the website’s SSL certificate is issued by an untrusted or unknown Certificate Authority (CA). This error prevents[…]
The ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Google Chrome occurs when the browser cannot establish a secure connection to a website due to issues with the SSL/TLS protocol. This error can be caused by a variety of issues, such as outdated browser settings, problems[…]
What is an Extended Validation Certificate? When it comes to securing a website, nothing can beat an SSL certificate. In addition to the basic SSL certificate, entrepreneurs can use extended validation certificate that is available on the tech market. It[…]
What Happens if your SSL certificate Gets Expired
Whether you are just doing blogging or looking for a great website that helps you reach your business goals, website security is much more important nowadays. Having an automated website doesn’t e ensure website safety unless you have an SSL[…]
Top WordPress Plugins for SSL Certificate
Whether you are tech challenged people or someone who still crazy about the topics, we can help you out. We have spent some quality time and come up with the list of the best options that can get you the[…]
Do Users Really Care About the Green SSL Padlock on Your Site?
With major search engines like Google and Yahoo making it clear that SSL is no more a necessity but a compulsion, businesses have started pursuing SSL seriously. Today, SSL is not only about ticking an achievement but also about making[…]
How to install SSL certificate on Amazon web service
Amazon web service provides a variety of hosting services that let you reach your business goals effectively. To give you crystal clear idea about the SSL installation process on Amazon Web services, we come up with this short guide that[…]
How to Install SSL on SonicWall
The term SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. It is a standard security protocol which is used for establishing the encrypted links between a browser and a web server in online communication. The purpose for the usage of SSL technology[…]
One Time Solution for all Your SSL Common Name Mismatch Error
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates are critical for securing data between a browser and a website. They ensure that sensitive information like passwords, credit card numbers, and personal data is transmitted securely. One of the most common issues faced by[…]
Understanding TLS/SSL by Getting into the Details
Now that we have a basic understanding of what TLS and SSL are let’s get into the details and get to know the varied nuances of these layers. With every passing day TLS and SSL are becoming a necessity; the[…]
How to solve SSL Issue in WordPress Website
SSL error is something which has become so common. When you move SSL to WordPress, there are certain errors which are deemed to occur. Fixing all of these issues is something which can be dealt with and explained in the[…]
Free vs Paid SSL Certificate – Find the major Difference
With Google labeling SSL Certificates as obligatory, everyone from a nascent blogger to a full-fledged Internet entrepreneur decided to get one for themselves. SSL certificates are not only about security but also about trust. More than 70% of online[…]
SSL Certificate Validation Process
SSL i.e., Secure Sockets Layer is used to build a secure connection between the client and server and it is the most suitable choice to safeguard sensitive information. There is no wonder why SSL validation has become the top[…]
What is SSL? A Complete Guide in 2024
What is SSL? An SSL Certificate is a secure protocol used by millions of e-Business providers to protect their customers and ensure secure online transactions. A website, online eshop or any website uses SSL Certificate to create an encryption connection[…]
Top 10 Cheap SSL Certificate Providers 2025
What do you understand by SSL Certificate? In order to form an SSL connection and trigger it on your web server, you will need a certificate that is known as the SSL Certificate. The SSL Certificates activate or trigger[…]