What is “Your Connection Is Not Private” Error? The websites that are running over HTTPS shows “your connection is not private chrome” error. The place where the site is hosted gets a message by the browser when you visit a[…]
Archive: Day: July 5, 2020
The NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED error occurs in Google Chrome when a website’s SSL certificate has been revoked. SSL certificates are issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) and can be revoked for various reasons, such as security concerns or the owner’s request to[…]
The ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED error is one of the common issues Google Chrome users face when trying to access websites. It indicates that the browser failed to establish a connection with the website’s server, and the connection was closed unexpectedly. This error[…]
Free Code Signing Certificate and How to get it
Every person wants everything free and they don’t want to pay any cost even for their security and privacy of the information. No company or organization comes in the market till now with a free code signing certificate. Is the[…]
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF SSL/TLS? The full form of SSL is Secure Sockets Layer. It allows a secure connection between a website and a web browser. The SSL consists of various versions like 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 which improves the[…]