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Please, add items to this compare group or choose not empty group’s Basic SSL Certificate is the best solution for those who are looking for quick, easy automated validation to protect your site. The certificate protects a single domain using a dedicated IP address. It’s a Domain Validated SSL Certificate that can be issued within minutes

Fast & Easy

Basic SSL is fully automated & you just need to generate CSR. No paperwork, no faxes and no call verification.

Strong Encryption

With Basic SSL, you can get the guarantee of strong encryption. The certificate is issued by one of the most reliable certificate authority Comodo.


No need to pay heavy amount to secure your website now. Basic SSL certificate is an affordable choice for any site for encryption.

Improve Google Ranking

HTTPS is considered as ranking factor as per Google’s latest Algorithm and Basic SSL helps your website and all sub domains for boosting search engine ranking.

Replacement Warranty

With this certificate you can apply for reissue without any extra cost and unlimited time as per your need

Full Specifiction

  • Validation :
    Domain Validation
  • Green Bar :
  • Issue Time :
    Within Minutes
  • Server Licensing :
  • Secures :
    Single Domain
  • Browser Compatibility :
  • Documents :
    No Documents Required
  • Trust Level :
  • Ideal For :
    Blog, Personal Website, Basic Websites and Small Web Projects
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