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Compare AlphaSSL vs Comodo SSL Certificate (Sectigo)

comodo logoAlphaSSL

$7.88 /yr

$49 /yr

Validity Options1-2 Years1-2 Years
Security LevelLow - HighLow- Medium
Trust LevelLow - HighMedium - High
Browser Compatibility99%99%
Trust SealYesYes
Free ReissueUnlimitedUnlimited
Server LicenseUnlimitedUnlimited
Mobile Device Compatibility99%99%
Free Certificate Management ToolYesNo
Malware ScanningYesNo
vulnerability scanningYesNo
Wildcard SupportAvailableNo
Types of SSLDV, OV, EVDV, OV
Trial SSL90 DaysNo
SAN FeatureYesNo
Green Address BarYesNo
Reseller FeatureYesYes
SEO BoostYesYes
Customer SupportYesYes
Maximum Warranty$250000N/a
Best ForAll BusinessEntry Level

Brand Reputation: AlphaSSL is a subsidiary of GlobalSign, a name synonymous with trust and reliability in the cybersecurity industry. Comodo, once a stalwart in SSL certificates, has undergone rebranding and is now known as Sectigo. Both brands carry a strong reputation, instilling confidence in users seeking secure online interactions.

Validation Levels: Both AlphaSSL and Comodo (Sectigo) offer SSL certificates with varying levels of validation. They provide Domain Validation (DV) and Organization Validation (OV) certificates, ensuring encryption and basic validation of ownership and organization details. However, Comodo (Sectigo) takes a step further by also offering Extended Validation (EV) certificates, which provide the highest level of validation and display the organization’s name prominently in the browser’s address bar.

Features and Offerings: AlphaSSL’s focus lies in providing straightforward and cost-effective SSL certificates. Their offerings primarily include DV and OV certificates, catering to those seeking essential encryption. Comodo (Sectigo), on the other hand, offers a broader spectrum of options. Alongside DV and OV certificates, they provide EV certificates for enhanced trust and security. Moreover, Comodo (Sectigo) extends its offerings to include Wildcard and Multi-Domain certificates, accommodating websites with diverse security needs.

Warranty and Price: AlphaSSL certificates generally come with a lower warranty coverage compared to some other CAs. Comodo (Sectigo), with its wider range of certificates, offers higher warranty coverage, providing a financial safety net in the event of security breaches. Price points can vary significantly based on the type of certificate, validation level, and included features. While AlphaSSL tends to cater to budget-conscious users, Comodo (Sectigo) covers a broader price range due to its extensive offerings.

Customer Support: Both AlphaSSL and Comodo (Sectigo) offer customer support to guide users through certificate installation and management. Given the broader scope and brand recognition of Comodo (Sectigo), their support network might be more extensive, catering to a larger user base.

Browser Compatibility: Both AlphaSSL and Comodo (Sectigo) certificates enjoy compatibility with major web browsers and devices. This ensures that users visiting websites secured by these certificates will experience a seamless and secure browsing experience.

Additional Features: AlphaSSL focuses primarily on providing core SSL functionality without many additional features. In contrast, Comodo (Sectigo) offers supplementary features such as vulnerability assessments, website seals, and malware scanning, enriching their SSL certificates with added layers of security and trust.

Brand Recognition: While Comodo was a widely recognized name in the SSL industry before its rebranding to Sectigo, the change in nomenclature might impact brand recognition and user trust. AlphaSSL, as part of the established GlobalSign family, carries a sense of familiarity and security.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]